Are you ready to represent LocalCoinSwap to the world?

The modern diplomatic system arose around the Italian Renaissance - interestingly, and unsurprisingly, as a product of the growth of international trade.  

We didn’t need diplomacy so much when we mostly encountered our neighbours through invading and colonising them - but as states started to do business with one another, a different approach became needed, to avoid cultural miscommunications and to ensure that information and protocol was disseminated correctly.  Ambassadors were appointed to act as the representative of different states on foreign territory - to keep the peace, to negotiate and make alliances, and to maintain good relations.

In 1815, the Congress of Vienna defined ambassadors as “diplomats of the highest rank”, regarded as the personal representative of the sovereign of their state. It remains a powerful and important role, in a dangerous and uncertain world - one requiring extreme tact, amazing interpersonal skills, personal gravitas and absolute integrity. In 2018, the word ambassador has taken on many meanings, and the concept of a “brand ambassador” has been extended to reflect representation of a product or brand to the wider world, someone who evangelises and promotes a brand within their community and helps others to understand it.

For LocalCoinSwap, the Community Ambassador scheme sits somewhere unique - a brand ambassador yes, but just as firmly embedded in the cultural and diplomatic roots of the word.

As a community we are truly international, and unique as a peer to peer decentralized exchange which welcomes members from any global location and currency, and with any level of experience using and trading cryptoassets.

This bold and inclusive vision is ambitious, but it’s real - and we know that inclusivity comes with implementation challenges.  As such, there are cultural considerations, language barriers, and local characteristics to consider. Only those people who have never travelled beyond their own backyard assume that their way of doing things - expressing themselves, making deals, and getting things done - is the universal way. We accept and embrace the differences which are the spice of life, but, which can create misunderstandings and barriers to communication and connection.

This is one reason why, even back before the token sale, LocalCoinSwap has welcomed the involvement of its community, in shaping and informing the future for the new exchange - our exchange in the fullest sense, because now, many of those early enthusiasts are now Cryptoshare holders and personally invested within the brand. Some of our first advocates on Telegram have gone on to create successful merchandise and social media campaigns, drive engagement on other platforms, and even progressed to professional roles within the LocalCoinSwap team itself. Communities should grow and thrive, and help each other to be part of the progression

For this reason we are seeking to appoint Community Ambassadors who will represent and embody the values of LocalCoinSwap, and help support and welcome new members to our platform.  People who can bridge the gap, between their own knowledge and understanding of blockchain and cryptocurrencies, and the needs of new users - whether they are new to LocalCoinSwap and what makes the platform unique, or potentially new to the entire idea of buying and selling cryptos. To truly achieve its potential of acting as the on-ramp for a world of new investors and driving mass adoption globally, LocalCoinSwap knows that its community representatives will be critical. And even beyond the unique way that our exchange is owned by its members, we all know that each new entrant into the cryptocurrency space in any capacity, is an essential increment in the financial revolution we are all a part of.

Community Ambassadors therefore need to be great communicators - reaching out beyond the exchange itself, to the wider world - acting as the brand’s representative on the “foreign soils” of Reddit, Bitcointalk, Telegram, Quora and other spaces, to spread the word about the new exchange in town.  True diplomats, rolling out the red carpet for newbies, and behaving impeccably as representatives of the brand in public.  Ambassadors, just like those in the global diplomatic corps, will need to behave in line with strict protocols - because whilst a gaffe might not start a world war, the integrity of and trust in our brand is of the utmost importance

Are you ready for the challenge?  Are you ready to be a positive and welcoming presence, helping and enabling new users - each one, teach one.  Dealing with trolls and haters (always going to be haters) with dignity and courtesy? Answering the questions that a newbie thinks are original, but which you have have seen a hundred times already, with calm and positive helpfulness?  In other words, being the public face of LocalCoinSwap on other platforms, so that people who haven’t even joined us have already formed an impression of a totally inclusive, accessible and welcoming brand?

And are you also prepared to collaborate with the team internally - share your feedback on new features, your insight about competitor activities, and offer constructive criticism to the development team?  Including your ideas and research about new coins and ICOs we could invite to the platform, organisations we could partner with, events we could attend - we have exciting plans in the pipeline for expansion and development of the brand, and we’re open to all kinds of innovation and collaboration which will benefit the exchange and its members.

We don’t have a formal reward structure in place for our Community Ambassadors, because we recognise that each individual we work with will bring a unique selection of talents and ideas to the role. What we can promise you is that as the exchange grows and earns, you will too - and progression is envisaged both to enhanced trading status and potential professional positions within the organisation. As such, if you’ve wanted to take your involvement with crypto to a new  and career-changing level, this could be the pathway to making it real.

You can make a start by registering your interest here