Step 1: Sign up to LocalCoinSwap
Visit LocalCoinSwap and sign up for an account here. All that is needed to sign up is a username (of your choosing) and a valid email address.
Step 2: Search for a trade advertisement
Use the search function at the top of the buy page to see what cryptocurrency is available. You can search via cryptocurrency, fiat currency, payment method, location, or a combination of these. Once you see an advertisement for your desired cryptocurrency and payment method click the “Buy” button. This will take you to a page with more details about the trade advertisement and the seller.
Step 3: Initiate a trade
You will now see some more information relating to this advertisement including price, seller statistics, and terms of trade. Enter in the amount that you wish to purchase into the “I wish to buy” box in either local currency or cryptocurrency. It is very important to read the terms of trade before entering into a trade with a user. By clicking “Initiate Contract” you are agreeing to the conditions set by the seller. If you do not agree to the conditions simply go back and browse through more advertisements.
Step 4: Once the escrow is funded, pay the seller
Now that you have initiated a trade and the seller has accepted, they will then need to lock the cryptocurrency being sold into escrow. The seller will now provide you with the payment details and it is time to make the payment as per the seller's conditions stated in the terms of trade. Be sure to make the payment within any time period specified by the seller.
Once you have made the payment click “I have paid to username”
Step 5: Receive Crypto
Once the seller has received the payment, they will release the cryptocurrency into your wallet. You are now free to do as you please with your newly purchased crypto!