Bitcoin Price Prediction Competition - July 2019

. 1 min read
This promotion is no longer active. We will be announcing the winner of the July competition shortly.

Welcome to our LocalCoinSwap bitcoin price prediction competition for JULY 2019! This is the second of our monthly price prediction competitions that gives the crypto community the chance to guess the price of bitcoin on a specific date/time and win some cool prizes from LocalCoinSwap.

Competition Overview:

To take part in our bitcoin price prediction competition, all you need to do is guess what the price of bitcoin will be in USD on Wednesday, July 31, 2019 (at 11 AM UTC). The person with the closest guess to the nearest cent e.g. 9982.04 on the specified date/time wins!

Don't forget to follow us on Twitter, Share the promo to your Twitter account and make sure you have a LocalCoinSwap account to receive your BTC prize if you win!

How to enter?

It’s quick and easy to enter:

  1. Join LocalCoinSwap
  2. Follow us on Twitter
  3. Share the promo on Twitter including #LocalCoinSwap
  4. Fill in the entry form

Price predictions close 24 hours BEFORE Wednesday, July 31, 2019 (11 AM UTC). This is to ensure that everyone has a fair chance to predict the price.

What are the prizes?

  • 1st prize winner gets $100 USD in BTC and a LocalCoinSwap t-shirt
  • 2nd prize winner gets $40 USD in BTC and a LocalCoinSwap t-shirt
  • 3rd prize winner gets $10 USD in BTC and a LocalCoinSwap cap


How often can I enter?
You can enter once a day until the competition ends! Don't forget to share the competition on Twitter every day you enter and include the hashtag #LocalCoinSwap!

When does the competition close?
Price predictions close 24 hours before Wednesday, July 31, 2019 (11 AM UTC). This is to ensure that everyone has a fair chance to predict the price.

Where is the final price taken from?
CoinMarketCap BTC chart (to the nearest minute)

What are the competition terms?