It has been a great second quarter here at LocalCoinSwap. We have had a plethora of amazing platform developments, and we are doing well with our brand awareness in the industry, setting the platform as a strong competitor in the P2P cryptocurrency exchange market.
We have already seen huge increases on volume since the last quarter and the second dividend date is quickly approaching. If we can keep up these growth rates, we will be in a great position to achieve the goals of acquiring an increased market share in the coming quarters.
Below you can see an overview of the upcoming dates relating to this dividend period:

LCS Cryptoshare Dividend Timeline:
With all this in mind, we would like to announce the following timeline for the upcoming 2019 Q2 dividend payments:
- 16 June - Dividend Amount Announced
An aggregate of the trade volume and revenue from the LocalCoinSwap website is taken, and an announcement will be made to the community regarding how much will be distributed as LCS Dividends on June 20. - 18 June - Dividends Snapshot (11 AM UTC)
A snapshot is taken of the blockchain to determine which wallet addresses will receive LCS Dividend tokens, and how much they will receive. - 20 June - LCS Dividend tokens distributed
LCS Dividend tokens are distributed to all LCS community members who had their LCS cryptoshares available for the snapshot on June 18.
Where Must I Keep My LCS Cryptoshares to Receive Dividends?
In order to receive LCS Dividend tokens, LCS Cryptoshares tokens must be kept in either the LCS wallet on the LocalCoinSwap P2P exchange or in any personal ERC20 wallet that you own.
LCS Dividends may not be redeemed if they are held in an exchange such as Hotbit, so please ensure that you move your LCS Cryptoshares to the LocalCoinSwap platform or to an ERC20 wallet in time for the snapshot and dividend distribution.
Your LCS Dividend tokens will be sent automatically to that address on the specified dates we have listed in this article.
It is important to note that LCS Dividend Tokens can expire if they are kept in an external wallet so, for peace of mind, we suggest that you either keep your LCS Dividend tokens on the LocalCoinSwap platform wallet, or always remember to transfer them to the LocalCoinSwap platform wallet before the next quarters dividend announcement occurs in order to ensure that your LCS Dividend tokens do not expire.
Once again, we would like to thank all of the crypto community, our P2P traders, LCS token holders and all of our partners for their ongoing support and commitment to the LocalCoinSwap platform.
Best regards,
Daniel Worsley, COO,