<DevTalks: /> March 2019

It’s been almost a month now since LocalCoinSwap’s official hard launch and we are very proud to report that everything has been running smoothly so far.

To avoid deployment issues we silently hard launched the backend updates and most of the new frontend features 3 days before the official release, in order to give developers time to test and fix last-minute issues in a production environment.

On the day of launch, things generally went without a hitch. Despite a massive influx of new signups and traffic, the servers were easily able to handle the load - even while our Russian login page was targeted by a lengthy botnet attack!

Naturally, the fast pace of development has continued since launch. However, there have been some major changes required in the way we update the site from this point onwards.

During the alpha and beta versions of the site, we concentrated on releasing as fast as possible on a weekly basis. Naturally, this fast pace of development led to a lot of bugs being present in the live product. This is completely acceptable for an incomplete product - as the famous development quote says “move fast and break things”.

However, now that the LocalCoinSwap P2P exchange is a production site handling higher volumes of trading action, we can no longer tolerate a similar amount of bugs. Security and stability are now the most important priorities in development, instead of fast releases.

Thus we have changed our development strategy to prioritize testing and bug-finding prior to release. Instead of weekly sprints the development team now releases updates every 2 weeks, with an entire week of testing prior to any feature being made live. We are also prioritizing issues raised in support tickets as a development focus, to ensure the trading experience becomes more pleasant for all users as time goes on.

On that note, I would like to remind people that if you are using the site and you see an area that deserves improvement or is confusing to you - please raise a support ticket! We will respond (usually quickly) and we will definitely take what you say into consideration. We want to work with you to create the most awesome trading experience possible. As our customer, you are our priority. Please don’t forget that you can also reach out to one of our community managers in our English, Russian or Spanish Telegram channels

Since launch, some of the new changes integrated include:

  • Complete refactoring of the homepage to be more SEO friendly
  • Various user interface bugs fixed in different pages
  • Notification issue fixed with unreadable notifications
  • Backup QR codes provided
  • Smoother deposits and withdrawals process with less delays

Later this week, Daniel and I will be available in the English Telegram channel to take part in a live Telegram AMA with the community. We will be answering questions and chatting for an hour about P2P trading and the LocalCoinSwap platform. We look forward to chatting with you live and

Coming soon we also have a very special promotion feature of the platform launching which will allow us to run improved promotions for international marketing campaigns. More details will be announced next week!

As always, thank you to everyone for their ongoing support and feedback.

Happy Trading!
Nathan Worsley
CTO & Co-Founder, LocalCoinSwap

If you would like to read through all of our DevTalks, you can find them here: