"The price of bitcoin is rising", "the price of bitcoin is falling", "the price of Gas has been skyrocketing!", "DeFi technologies are the future of digital investments", "How does the future look for cryptocurrencies in 2021 after the pandemic ends? ”, and so on... Many of these headlines may sound like everyday questions that any of us (as skilled traders or even beginners starting in the world of digital assets) would ask normally. But what do exactly they mean? Who can guide us in a professional way within this business to find precise answers? How can we find a website that provides us with updated and reliable information?
Cryptocurrency news portals are, essentially, those places on the Internet that keep us updated on big (or small but important) market movements. Sometimes are made up by a team of specialized reporters, researchers, analysts, programmers, and even critics or opinionologists, and are they who allow us to process and understand the information in a clear, comfortable, and digestible way in order to track the pulse of one of the most changing and dynamic markets today. But, what are those general characteristics that roughly help us to recognize a good news portal? We will delve a little deeper into those aspects in this post.
Keeping The Cryptocurrency News Fresh
In this segment, we don't want to sound too obvious, but we will be to a degree. A news portal that is respected is not a good news portal if it does not offer up-to-date information. That is a statement in which all, close to the world of cryptocurrencies or not, we will agree. Especially if we are familiar with real-world news portals. After all, we don’t want to read news about bitcoin or any other cryptocurrency or topic that is from our particular interest if the published articles are from weeks ago or simply not published with the appropriate periodicity.
So the first clue to knowing that we are actually in front of a good blog or news website related to the crypto world is to look at the date of its last entries and posts to make sure that we are reading updated info. All in addition to seeing if there’s an option to subscribe to some kind of newsletter in order to allow us to receive frequent updates and summaries to our email about the latest news.

Find Interesting Cryptocurrency News
This segment can cover an immense grey area, just because we must clarify that the word "interesting" is a very subjective term that can vary a lot from one person to another depending on what catches their attention. However, one thing that we can all agree on is that a good news portal should be that place that takes adequate precautions to offer a specific segment for each type of audience that enters to read their editorial. Each respected news website must offer a wide repertoire of headlines where news can be classified by segment according to subject matter and depth.
Do you want to read only news about the events around bitcoin or ethereum? Are you interested in knowing which recent movements have been on the altcoin market in general? Or maybe what happened to the international regulations issue and the latest technological launches? Why better not read the opinion from an analyst or expert on that particular topic in which you have been wanting to invest for a long time? For all those kinds of interests, there have to be special sections at the beginning of your preferred news web portal so that you can find the necessary information in the right place just with the click of a button.
One example of a publisher that consistently produces interesting cryptocurrency content is decrypt.co. They put out a lot of great content and do an exceptional job of keeping up with current trends in the blockchain space. It’s an easy place to lose a few hours if you aren’t careful.
Good Design Makes the Experience Better
This is an aspect that, from afar, may seem somewhat superficial or irrelevant, but when it comes to the world of cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology, is a priority matter, if not fundamental. Just because a news web portal may have the last minute information, very well written and ordered, but without a striking presentation or at least, elegant, easily and quickly it may lose all its potential to captivate and attract new readers who, even if they do not know about the topics, they may be curious to learn. And that, for a news portal or opinion blog, especially for one that wants to grow steadily among Internet communities, is quite unfavorable.
From the first moment you enter a good news web portal, in addition to all the previous recommendations, you will notice that there must be a design, a structure, and a color palette that are like a hook in sight. Make them energetic and showy, but not too stressful, or perhaps hospitable and formal, but without bordering on boring. That perfect balance between design and efficiency is what a good cryptocurrency news web portal must know in order for its success to be assured. Cointelegraph would be a good example of this since they care about designing each and every one of the graphics that accompany their headlines, and that’s something that makes them feel close to their community of readers.
High News Volume Keeps You Up to Date
In this aspect, we refer to the level of traffic of publications on the news website. Since it is important that, in an environment where so many events occur daily and of various kinds, there is a well-proportioned flow where the information is presented in a chronological and dosed manner. Therefore, a good crypto news site that wants to stay active and healthy should nurture a constant stream of 7 to 15 news items a day, even more depending on the size of their news and writing team!
Another way to find a lot of news at once is to check out some cryptocurrency news aggregators such as Feedspot, while Feedspot doesn’t only provide fast access to cryptocurrency news and deals with other topics as well, they have a fantastic list of the top 100 cryptocurrency blogs and websites where you can find a lot of content from different sources in the same place. It’s a very convenient way to track a lot of projects at once, including LocalCoinSwap who have made this fantastic list. We encourage you to check this one out!
A Matter of Opinion
Let's suppose that sometimes you just don’t want to read or find out the latest news, but you are also curious about reading an expert to help you interpret an event or a series of events that have been occurring simultaneously. How can you get the best analysis of these events so that you could be also more informed and help you make the best financial decisions? Well, that's what specialists in analysis and opinion exist for! A good news portal about bitcoin and cryptocurrencies cannot be without them. In this way, you will be able to know that you are browsing in the right place if there is a section where only the columns are reserved for critics or opinionologists on a certain subject to contribute their perspectives and contrasts.
At the same time, a good leading analyst cannot be someone without experience. You should be very cautious when reading any opinion piece to find out if it is trustworthy by simply going to the columnist's profile on that website and looking at which and how many other entries he or she has written for that portal in specific. Otherwise, another option is to place their name on the search bar of your browser and check if they have a website, official sites that prove their reputation, or social networks where that expert can keep his community of followers informed about the latest phenomena of the crypto world in general.

Interactive Communities Keeps Cryptocurrency Engaging
Many times, it is important not only to keep abreast of the latest news but also to be able to share your reaction with other Internet users and read the opinion of the community in general. Therefore, a good bitcoin news portal should have a comments section where you can post your opinions and that this section contains gadgets that allow you to share links easily and comfortably with your friends on your social networks. All this, coordinated by a marketing and social media team that is responsible not only for moderating comments in order to avoid discussions and promote a harmonious environment among its users, but also to maintain a healthy ecosystem where readers can feel that their presence counts perhaps by participating in periodic raffles and surveys or other forms of community engagement.
Fairness Increases Trust & Provides Value to Readers
Let's face it, not everyone likes to feel that someone is trying to sell them something indirectly. That is something that may sound paradoxical in modern consumer-driven society, but what we are really referring to is that the last place we would like to feel like they are trying to suggest us would be on a news portal.
In this way, impartiality should be in essence an ethical principle by which any reputable media outlet is governed. Both inside and outside the bitcoin and cryptocurrency environment, you don't have to be a professional journalist to agree that, when writing a news story or publishing any information in the media, you always have to try to maintain as much of a neutral and balanced tone as possible. Especially when it comes to specific issues that clash with the sensibilities of certain editorial lines. That aspect is always a great litmus test that will define the future of any news site or current affairs portal.
For all this, when getting acquainted with a new crypto news website, try to detail by its headlines if apparently some kind of predilection is not given to certain sectors over others, try to discern if the language in which it is written certain news of your interest is not "conveniently" arbitrary to seek to shape the general opinion. Is there a segment of the website where they want to charge you in order to be able to read a post in its entirety? Those are the first filters that you will need to apply in this aspect in order to estimate the level of fairness of a crypto news website!
A good example of a website that is always concerned with presenting transparent information would be Coindesk, as they have one of the highest levels of traffic in the current digital world.

In general terms, we can say that there are many but very important and specific aspects that must be taken into account when deciding which will be our trusted portal to keep abreast of bitcoin news, cryptocurrencies, technology, international markets, and many other topics in general.
Here at LocalCoinSwap we also try to keep up to date with everything that is happening around us, while still providing the best service to our users. Here in our official blog, you can find tutorials, opinion articles, official announcements of our platform, and a whole environment of very useful information to start with the world of P2P crypto trading.
Why not create an account on LocalCoinSwap and start adding to your bitcoin stack so you have even more reason to follow cryptocurrency news!